Tamara A. Walker - Civil Rights Lawyer
Civil rights are guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics. Unfortunately, civil rights are not always uniformly applied to all citizens and those rights are often violated. Civil rights are designed to protect individuals from unfair treatment; they are the rights of individuals to receive equal treatment and to be free from unfair treatment or discrimination in a number of settings — including education, employment, housing, public accommodations, fair treatment in the law and other legally-protected rights.
Civil rights cases can often be complex and require complex evaluation and analysis. If you feel your civil rights have been violated, then it is important to have a careful and thoughtful evaluation of your case. There are very stringent deadlines and often requirements that must be met before a lawsuit can be filed, so it is important to act quickly if your rights have been violated. Attorney Walker can evaluate your case and make a determination as to whether or not your case is actionable and able to move forward. With rare exception, civil rights cases are done on a contingent fee, meaning that we receive a portion of the settlement or judgment and you pay nothing. So if you don’t win a monetary award, you won’t owe us a penny for our representation on your case. Please contact Walker & Associates immediately if you feel that your rights have been violated through housing discrimination, . Statute of limitations place severe restrictions on the time period that you have to file a lawsuit, so it is important that you have quality representation from the beginning.